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Sustainable Development of North Eastern India - A Geoscience Perspective

November 15-16, 2024 
Shillong and Arunachal Pradesh

Volcanic Water

Organized by

Ministry of Earth Sciences,
Geological Survey of India,
North Eastern Hill University,
Krishnanunni Memorial Charitable Trust


Ministry of
Earth Sciences


Survey of India


North Eastern
Hill University


Krishnanunni Memorial Charitable Trust

दान पुण्य

About the Event 

The North Eastern Region (NER) of India including all territories east of Silliguri, is relatively less investigated region of the country, though abundant in natural resources. It comprises the states of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya. It holds a special importance for the KMCT as in this region Sri Krishnanunni presented his innovative and ahead-of-time thinking in 1995 in form of a program known as Development of Village Economy through Mineral Appraisal Program (DOVEMAP).

It has been increasingly recognized that sustainable development and growth of any geographic domain requires a significant knowledge and understanding of the geosciences of that region. This is not only on account of first order inventory of natural resources but also considering significance of geoscientific knowledge, say, in agro-economy in terms of soil-health, potable water management, climate and environmental challenge management and many more. It assumes even more importance in a land-locked and strategically located area such as north eastern region of India.

As a fond tribute to Sri Krishnanunni and with a broader view of contributing for the sustainable development of NER, the KMCT along with Ministry of Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of India and the North Eastern Hill University propose to organize a two-day conference on 15-16 November 2024 at the Shillong campus of the NEHU.

A post conference field excursion is proposed in Arunachal Pradesh

National Flower

Themes & Sessions

The conference will comprise of plenary talks, key-note lectures, Mini symposia and town hall meetings along with oral and poster presentations. Young researchers and scientists are proposed to be partially supported for participation.

Tectonic and geodynamic evolution of NER

Geomorphology and the evolution of rivers in high precipitation domains

The age and stratigraphic problems of Arakan-Yoma belt

Mineral resource potential of NER with special reference to the strategic minerals

Geosciences for disaster-preparedness

Innovation and Technology in geosciences towards sustainable development

Clean energy potential of NER

A special session on DOVEMAP

Data management and integration for sustainable development

Important Dates

Abstract submission opens

13 MAY 2024

Abstract submission closes

22 JULY 2024

Participation confirmation deadline

31 JULY 2024

Registration window opens

1 AUGUST 2024

Registration window closes


Meet our esteemed patrons


Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences

Dr. M Ravichandran

Content Corner

Videos and other content related to the event

Solar Panels in Mountains

Event Introduction & Overview

Zoom recording of the organizers explaining the Conference Outline and overview.

Post Conference Report

Get all the details of the Shilling Conference in this comprehensive post conference report here




Prof Naresh Chandra Pant, Member, KMCT


Shri Gajendra Kumar Kesari, Additional Director General, GSI

Prof Devesh Walia, NEHU 

Shri E V R Parthasaradhi, Secretary, KMCT

Accommodation & Travel 

Nearest railway station: Guwahati (~100 km)

Nearest airport: Shillong airport

By road: Regular bus/taxi services to Guwahati

दान पुण्य

©2024 by Krishnanunni Memorial Charitable Trust

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